
A gift in your will, regardless of its size, is a significant contribution to support the work of the Hospice. A will is a testament to your intentions and is the surest way to ensure your wishes are honoured for the well-being of your family and friends. Crafting a will that clearly outlines your intentions not only provides peace of mind for you but also for your loved ones, both now and in the future.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Your legacy could help support the work of Scotland’s first and largest Hospice.

Seeking Legal Guidance

To create or modify a will, seeking legal advice is essential. St Margaret of Scotland Hospice can assist by arranging appointments with participating legal firms on your behalf. Alternatively, you can independently explore the process of making a will.

Steps in Will Preparation

The most crucial steps in preparing a will include:

Discussion with Immediate Family: Conversations with your immediate family regarding the implications of your will are paramount.

Documenting Assets and Liabilities: Prepare a document enumerating your assets (property owned and their values, if feasible) and liabilities (outstanding debts).

Assessment of Estate Worth: Create a document detailing the projected value of your estate (assets minus liabilities) to offer clarity to you and your family.

Updating as Circumstances Evolve: Ensure your will accurately mirrors your current circumstances and wishes.

Importance of Making a Will

Benefits of making a will include:

Avoiding Intestacy Rules: Dying without a valid will (intestate) may subject your estate to state-imposed intestacy rules, potentially conflicting with your desires.

Ensuring Partner's Inheritance: If you're unmarried or not in a civil partnership, your partner might not inherit your estate unless your legal and valid will explicitly conveys your wishes.

A Legacy of Care and Compassion

Over 70 years have passed since its modest inception in 1950, and the Hospice continues to provide Specialist Palliative Care and End of Life Care for individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

A History of Innovation and Compassion

The Hospice's history is a tale of innovation, dedication, and empathy. Our services cater to North West Glasgow, East and West Dunbartonshire, and areas within Argyll and Bute. Your generosity through leaving a gift in your will can contribute to the ongoing success of this community-driven journey.

Leaving a Lasting Impact

A gift is a tangible expression of your support for St Margaret of Scotland's vital work in delivering specialized care and assistance to those in need within your community. The significance of your gift resonates deeply with everyone at the Hospice – patients, families, staff, and volunteers alike. Your contribution would be sincerely cherished.

Various Legacy Options

There are three types of legacy options available for those considering leaving a lasting impact with the Hospice:

Residuary Gift: This gift pertains to the residual value of your estate after deducting other commitments. You can choose to leave a portion or the entirety of your estate to St Margaret of Scotland Hospice. An example of the phrasing is as follows:
"I give free of Inheritance Tax (xx% or total in monies) of the residue of my estate to St Margaret of Scotland Hospice."

Pecuniary Gift: This involves specifying a particular amount:
"I give free of Inheritance Tax the sum of £xx to St Margaret of Scotland Hospice."

Specific Non-Monetary Gift: This entails leaving a particular item.

A Legacy of Transformation

Past legacies have empowered the Hospice to renovate and expand the Garden Room Restaurant, enhancing the hospice experience for patients, families, and the wider community.

Learn More

For further details about creating a will or including St Margaret of Scotland Hospice in your will, please contact fundraising@smh.org.uk or call the Hospice at 0141 952 1141.