St Joseph’s Ward
St Joseph’s Ward is a Specialist Palliative Care in-patient unit located within St Margaret of Scotland Hospice. It offers compassionate care to individuals living with progressive life-limiting illnesses.

Admission Criteria
People who meet the criteria for admission to St Joseph’s Ward are those experiencing complex physical or psychosocial symptoms resulting from their illness, be these physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual, and who may have selected Hospice as their preferred place of care when the end of life is approaching.
The referral and admission process may be initiated by the Primary Care Team, which could be a GP, Advanced Practitioner (Nurse or Paramedic), District Nurse, or Hospital Team.
Holistic Care and Support
The multi-disciplinary team in the Specialist Palliative Care Centre - St Joseph’s Ward - is highly skilled across various domains, including physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of care. The centre emphasizes the importance of supporting family, carers, and friends throughout the patient's stay.
Comfort and Beautiful Surroundings
Each room in St Joseph’s Ward is thoughtfully designed to promote comfort and a sense of calm. The rooms are equipped with a bed, which may include a pressure-relieving mattress if needed. Additionally, there is a comfortable recliner chair, wardrobe, drawers, and storage facilities. Patients can enjoy entertainment through a TV/DVD player and have access to multiple electrical points for specialised equipment and charging personal devices.
Staying Connected with Loved Ones
Patients are encouraged to bring their personal devices, such as Mobile Phones, Tablets, Alexa or Google Home, for music and entertainment to stay connected with the outside world, family, and friends. Personal accounts may need to be created for access to personalised programs and music, and the hospice staff can assist with this process. All personal devices undergo PAT Testing by the Hospice Maintenance Team before use.
Bathing and Showering Facilities
All patients being cared for in St Joseph’s Ward have access to bathing and showering facilties. A comfortable shower chair is available to support the easeful transfer from bed to shower.
Activity-based Programme and Inclusive Care
The centre offers a sessional activity-based program facilitated by the Hospice Therapy Team. Patients who have difficulty leaving their bed space or room can still participate in various sessions delivered at the bedside. The program includes Virtual Reality (VR) experiences, Complementary Therapies, gentle exercises like chair and bed Yoga, guided relaxation, Life Story Journaling, letter writing, arts and crafts, games, and access to a library service with a selection of books, including audible books.
Dedicated Hospice Team
The Specialist Palliative Care Centre - St Joseph’s Ward - is staffed by a dedicated and highly skilled team, including Doctors, Specialist Nurses, Educationalists, Registered Nurses, Auxiliary Nurses, Social Worker, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Therapy Assistants as well as Complementary Therapists . The Ward Hostess plays a crucial role in ensuring catering needs are met throughout the day.
Emphasis on Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Wellbeing
At the heart of all care and support is the emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being of each person. The Hospice Pastoral Care Team provides visitation and support, irrespective of a person's faith, as the hospice embraces an inclusive approach.
Palliative Rehabilitation Approach
The Hospice Team is dedicated to improving the quality of life for each individual. Detailed assessments are conducted to identify complex or hidden symptoms, with the goal of correcting or reversing underlying factors. The focus is on helping individuals be the best they can be and feel as well as possible for as long as possible.
Personalised Care and Goal Setting
During a patient's stay, the Hospice Team collaborates with the individual to establish a personalized program of care and support based on their goals and aspirations. Whether it involves simple activities like enjoying a meal or a cup of tea, bathing, or planning a short visit home, the hospice supports each achievement, recognising that every moment matters.
Involvement of Family and Friends
Family and friends are encouraged to actively participate in the patient's care during their stay at the Inpatient Unit. The Hospice Team accommodates any wishes of patients to go out during the day and return in the evening, offering unwavering support in all aspects of care.
The holistic and compassionate approach at St Joseph’s Ward ensures that patients receive the best possible care during their stay, while also valuing the importance of supporting their loved ones through the challenging times.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Hospice Team encourage everyone to pack small items and personal belongings which will foster comfort and calm.
In addition, everyone is encouraged to pack toiletries of choice, nightwear, underwear, outdoor clothing (fleece, cardigan or zipper hoodie), comfortable and well-fitting shoes, and loungewear to ensure comfort and cosiness when outside. The Hospice Gardens are beautiful and have been created with peace in mind. Whether someone can be out of bed or not, spending time in the Hospice Gardens is recommended.
When packing devices, we recommend all chargers are packed too. Once Pat Testing has taken place, devices can be safely used. The Hospice Team will ensure all devices are charged overnight ahead of each new day to assure seamless connectivity. We encourage all to connect with family and friends via Facetime if possible and the Hospice Team are happy to encourage and facilitate this, most especially to say good morning and good night.
The Hospice Garden Room Catering Team provide all meals, tea, coffee, soft drinks, aperitifs, and small snacks, such as fruit, yoghurts, custards, creamed rice puddings, smoothies, ice-lollies, sandwiches, crisps, biscuits and cakes.
Breakfast is served form 0800, however if a later breakfast is preferred, this can be arranged with the Ward Hostess. Lunch is served at 1300 and supper 1800. Between times, there are small snacks and drinks available. Tea, coffee and cold drinks are served throughout the day, mid-morning, afternoon tea and evening. Warm milk drinks such as hot chocolate, Horlicks or Ovaltine are served late evening prior to sleeping.
Aperitifs are served as and when preferred, and whilst the Hospice will have a selection of wines, beers and spirits available, those who have a preference of alcoholic beverage are encouraged to pack this for personal use. All alcohol is stored in a central drinks trolley and served in the evenings by the Ward Hostess and when requested.
For those who are able to be out of bed, the Hospice Garden Room Restaurant is a wonderful environment to spend time with family and friends. The Garden Room menu changes daily and serves breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and supper. A selection of speciality tea, coffee and cold drinks are available alongside sweet treats baked by the Hospice Pastry Chef.
In general, family and friends are welcome to visit the Hospice between the hours of 1500 to 1700 and 1900 to 2000.
Visiting for family and friends is shaped around personal care episodes and mealtimes. The timing of visiting is discretionary, as often, if families wish to participate in mealtime or if someone is unwell, the timeframe of visiting may change.
Please speak with the Nurse in Charge of the Inpatient Unit to discuss further if you wish to visit out with the suggested timeframes, as we recognise a visit from family and friends can make all the difference in the world.
St Margaret of Scotland Hospice has a ‘No Smoking Policy’ which alludes to patients, staff, family, friends and any visitors to the Hospice.
For those staying in the Hospice, it is important to know all rooms are supplied with piped oxygen. All smoking materials are prohibited.
All questions should be directed to the Nurse in Charge.
Pharmacological supplies supporting the medical management of someone’s care will be supplied by the Hospice. If other medications are currently being utilised, for example over the counter medications or CBD oils, please share this information with the Hospice Team to ensure all safety parameters are considered.
As all drugs/medications have both contraindications and side effects, the Hospice Team would prefer to have an awareness of other drugs in use, to ensure all prescribed treatments are considered and planned in a safe and effective manner.
For those where English is not the first language, the Hospice Team will be delighted to contact and work in partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Interpreting Services.