Celebrating 75 Years of Compassionate Care: Join Us at Our Diamond Anniversary Ball!

Access our services

Make a Referral

Referrals to St Margaret of Scotland Hospice are received from:

Acute Services - Hospital Consultants/Doctors/Clinical Nurse Specialists

Primary Care Services - General Practitioners (GP)/Advanced Nurse Practitioners/Community Nurses

To access any of the services offered by St Margaret of Scotland Hospice, a referral form must be completed accurately and in full. An incomplete referral form may delay the admission process.

Completed forms should be submitted via SCI Gateway or sent to St Margaret of Scotland Hospice by email:

Specialist Palliative Care

Referring DME Professionals (for Mary Aikenhead Centre)

Next steps

How to refer

We would like to share the following information to support your next steps.

Guidance on how to refer

If you have any questions regarding the referral you wish to process, please call 0141 952 1141 and your call shall be supported by the Senior Manager on duty.

As above, completed forms should be submitted via

Please ensure the Referral Form contains all information requested. Do not hesitate to call the Hospice Team if you wish to provide supplementary information to support the referral.

Please remember an incomplete Referral Form, or inaccurate details may delay the Referral being discussed and actioned.

A Referral Form is not required for the OOH Advice and Support Service

What we do

Our Care

Our approach to providing care is holistic, taking into account
the spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs of patients.