Hospice Lottery
For a contribution of as little as £5 per month, you can join the Hospice Lottery to put yourself in with a chance of winning a top cash prize. That could be enough to buy a new pair of shoes, pay your utility bills for the year or take yourself and your family off on holiday.

You have to be in it to win it!
Subscribe to our Monthly Hospice Lottery for £5 a month with the chance of winning any of our 14 cash prizes!
1st Prize - £2000
2nd Prize - £250
3rd Prize - £100
4th Prize - £50
10 prizes x £10
To join the Hospice Lottery, please contact the Lottery Office on 0141 435 7018 or email lottery@smh.org.uk or by filling out the form below. Full terms and conditions can be obtained by contacting the Hospice and can also be downloaded here.
Where your money goes
Your money can make a huge difference and we couldn’t offer our Hospice services without your generosity.
Could provide a healthy and nutritious meal for a patient
Could provide a therapy session for someone in need
Could provide one hour of patient care on our wards
Could provide a session with the physiotherapist
“By joining the St Margaret of Scotland Hospice Monthly Lottery, members will be helping us to care and support local people in their own community.”